Thursday, October 27, 2011

Job Opening

Security Manger Position

Doe Valley Association, Inc.

Doe Valley Association, Inc. is seeking a security manager to oversee the security operations of the subdivision. Doe Valley Association, Inc. is a private company that is owned by Doe Valley subdivision property owners located in Brandenburg Kentucky.

The security force is responsible for the security of the gated community. This is a non-sworn position and does not participate in the Kentucky retirement systems.

Desired qualities include:

·         Current or Retired Kentucky POPS certified Police Officer

·         Basic understanding of Kentucky Laws and Issues

·         Background in Supervision/Management

·         Background in scheduling

·         Ability to research and provide recommendations regarding security issues

·         Ability to draft, review and Implement policies for employees

·         Ability to develop and conduct roll call training.

Salary Negotiable $25,000 - $30,000
Work schedule part time - Hours are Negotiable.
Vacation and sick time negotiable.

Applications due by November 15, 2011.

Applications should be mailed to
147 Doe Valley Parkway West • Brandenburg • KY • 40108

Ken Wilson -

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


SPIAA is still working on its membership growth.  We have done well in the last several months but need to increase of numbers by 200 to reach my personal goal.  If you have fellow classmates and find out they have yet to join the newly developed membership program, challenge them to participate.  We need help in all areas, and our next conference will be here before we know it.

The conference will be July 2012 and information is forth coming, be prepared to a jolly good time with other AOC/CODC graduates from around the country.

New Position

David Hendry passed on to us he has retired from TPD and accepted the position of Chief at the Tallahassee Community College Police Department.  He is responsible for a staff of 30 and approximately 16,000 students.  Chief Hendry advises the previous Chief is an SPI graduate so the AOC lives on.